Become a valuable part of your community. Volunteers are always needed. For more information on joining the Kendall Park First Aid and Rescue Squad CLICK HERE.
Category: KPFARS
Kendall Park First Aid and Rescue Squad
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The Kendall Park First Aid and Rescue Squad is a 100% Volunteer organization that provides Emergency Medical Services responding to 911 calls in our coverage area. Members are comprised of various individuals from engineers to nurses, students to retirees all who volunteer their time to respond to medical emergencies in the community where they live.
The Kendall Park First Aid and Rescue Squad covers parts of Franklin Twp. (Somerset County) and South Brunswick Twp. (Middlesex County).
The squad serves the residents in Kendall Park, Franklin Park, Griggstown, parts of Little Rocky Hill and Somerset. We also provide mutual aid to Monmouth Junction First Aid Squad, Kingston First Aid Squad, and surrounding towns as needed. Last year (2019) the squad responded to over 2000 calls, traveled over 50,000 miles and had over 10,000 volunteer man hours.
The squad is made up of all volunteers. As of Apr 2019, we have approximately 30 active members; most of whom are EMTs. We are always looking for additional members. For more information on joining the squad, click on the “Join Us” link on the top of the page. If you are between the ages of 14 and 17 click the Explorer Post link.
The squad does not charge for its services and so it relies on the residents to donate the funds it needs to operate. If you can help, please click the Donations link below.

Meet our 2024 Officers
Please join us in Welcoming the 2024 Officers.
President: Stephanie Ibe
Vice President:
Treasurer: Brian Low-Beer
Corresponding Secretary: Karthik Kalikiri
Trustee: Frank Low-Beer, Brian Baylis, Al Low-Beer
Chief: Al Low-Beer
Deputy Chief: Mustafa Serang
Captain: Scott Weis
Lieutenant: Istafa Armughan
2024 Recruitment Drive
Why are we actively recruiting new members now?
Maintaining a high level of service to over 2000 patients per year requires hard work on the part of our volunteers. The core group of active volunteers who respond to these calls varies from year to year, generally totaling about 65% of certified providers. Our numbers are lower than we’d like them to be right now, and we know that recruiting good members takes time – we want to find, interview and welcome new members now, before new EMT class starts.
What We Do
We provide Basic Life Support for communities in Kendall Park, Southern Franklin Township and provide mutual aid to Monmouth Junction and Kingston townships. Our dedicated group of members responds to more than 2000 calls each year and the number is growing. Trained team members respond from home or work to respond to 911 Calls.
Who Volunteers?
Our members all have personal lives too, and come from all walks of life. We have Lawyers, Businessmen, Engineers, carpenters, teachers, moms, electricians, realtors, Nurses, students and healthcare workers, to name a few. Through regular training and strong leadership, crew members from all walks of life work together as a team to complete the task at hand.
What Does This Job Pay?
Since its inception in 1960, Kendall Park First Aid & Rescue Squad has been made up of community members and Families who volunteer their time to protect their neighbors. Volunteering takes many forms, and the same is true of our staff. Some members train as EMTs and Rescue members. Our members receive no salary for their efforts, but gain valuable skills and training while serving their community. Many of our members say that the satisfaction they get from volunteering is much more than they get from their paid jobs.
What We Expect
We expect passion, dedication and commitment to serve as a member of our squad and of course you should be 18 years or older.
What We Provide
Real Experience
Kendall Park First Aid & Rescue Squad gained reputation of being one of the most professional organizations in New Jersey. We are always busy with calls. And members will get Real Experience being on these calls and riding with experienced Crew Chiefs.
Free Training
Training will be provided for BLS First Aid and CPR
Squad will take care of your EMT Course & Book fees.
Free Equipment
Uniforms, Pagers and Radios will be provided.
Free Gym Membership
We want all our members to be healthy. Squad will take care of your basic gym membership.
Length of Service Awards Program
Active members of the Squad are eligible to participate in the Length of Service Awards Program, or LOSAP. This program, underwritten by the South Brunswick Township, rewards years of active service. Members can earn credits for being on duty and completing CEUs.
Membership Committee
Our membership committee is made up of several senior members of the department, and reviews each application received. They interview each applicant, review references, and complete a state required criminal history. They then report to the membership of the department, who elect applicants to membership.
Great, I decided to become a member. What next?
Congrats. The Membership Recruitment Process is simple.
1. Fill and print the application form
2. Get us 3 references. Use the Reference Form
Once you get the above 2 we can have your 1st Review/reading. Once approved, you can get the following
3. Print the Medical Clearance Form and get it certified by your Family Physician.
4. Print the Hepatitis B Immunization Form and get it certified by your family physician or decline it.
5. Get your First Aid and CPR Certifications. We often do conduct classes at our New Road Building. Reach out to us on the classes.
6. Get the FEMA Approved ICS 100 and ICS 700 Certifications
Once you have all the 6 and attend your 2nd Review/Reading, you will become a full riding member.
Our membership team is always ready to help you through this entire process.
Applying for Membership
Phone: Call us at (888)842-6060 ext 860 and leave a message
Stop by the Squad building
You are welcome to stop by at our building the 1st or 3rd Wednesday of every month to talk to our members and get your questions answered.
Books and Stuffed Animals Donated
An anonymous donor approached Kendall Park First Aid Squad with a large number of brand new books and stuffed toys and requested us to donate the same to appropriate.
Deputy Chief Lance Eisen and Captain Kara Eisen collected those books and donated around 600 books to The Bristol Meyers Squibb Children’s Hospital. These books and stuffed animals were distributed to the children in the hospital.